May is going to be a very busy month for Citizens of Europe! Parallel to the Landau Convention (5th- 8th of May) another project in Alentejo (Portugal) will take place on the 3rd- 9th of May. There are still 2 places available for participants based in Germany for the“EUROCOOP – Europe as a group!” Youth seminar organised by our partner Rota Jovem, within the frame of the Youth in Action Programme. Does it sounds interesting to you? Good! Have a look below and find all needed information!
“EUROCOOP – Europe as a group!” Youth Seminar (Action 4.3) aims at creating space and time for youth to build a European cooperation platform to face daily life challenges.
From the 3rd to the 9th of May 2011 a group of 25 participants between 20-30 years old, coming from Portugal, Spain, Romania, Czech Republic, Germany, France and Lithuania will gather together in Alentejo, south of Portugal.
They will discuss about European challenges and values and at the same time build a communication platform among them and all European youth in general whose wish is to make Europe a more cooperative place.
Based on non-formal learning methods, the program is structured in 6 different phases:
– Presentation of ideas
– Experiences and challenges
– What can we do?
– Put it on practice!
– Feedback and debriefing
– Now what?
Practical arrangements:
All activity costs, included 70% of travel costs, will be covered by the Youth in Action programme. Participants will pay only 30% of their travel costs.
A participation fee of 10€ is required.
English will be the working language.
Deadline to apply: 29th of March 2011
For further information contact eurocoop@rotajovem.com.
Send your application form to office@citizens-of-europe.eu as soon as possible!
Click here for the pdf format.
As the first European generation, it’s our right and duty to fight for a better and united future. Together we can make the difference!