Youth unemployment is one of the most relevant challenges in contemporary Europe. The international financial crisis makes the challenge more visible and problematic, especially for younger generations: unemployment is a growing threat to youngsters all over Europe. Any current public agenda includes youth unemployment as one of the biggest current challenges and main political concern.

Our training course taking place on 8 – 16 December 2012 in Berlin is based on the principles of non-formal education and will favour a holistic and experiential approach based on participants’ needs, motivations and experiences.
We will build on the group process and individual development. This means we live, work, cook and sleep in the same house. Upstairs are the 7 bedded bedrooms, downstairs the working rooms and kitchen, where we will cook tasty meals together.
Rui Montez, Giulia Mastropirro and Marie Svensson will be the trainers in the TC. They come from different backgrounds and therefore they bring different – but complementary – approaches to youth work, employability, self development and empowerment.