Meeting: Vitalizing the Network

Three years ago, Citizens of Europe had decided to change: We wanted to be more active, put our main focus clearly outside of the youth sector, and do projects all over Europe. We succeeded. We increased our activities dramatically, built efficient partnerships with other organisations and institutions and more than tripled our financial turnover. However, this strategy of investing all our limited resources into activities had its price: Citizens of Europe did not actively develop its own network. Today, more people willing to realise projects and initiatives could benefit from our well-established organisation. Citizens of Europe can also provide access to interesting people and organisations in different parts of our continent. How can we make Citizens of Europe become a vibrant network? How can we realise a high degree of personal benefit for everybody involved? How can we become more open and attractive? How can we further improve cooperation with our partners? These are the main topics to be addressed by this year’s Spring Citizens Weekend. 


9 April 20:00 ‘My Europe’ film presentation 10 April 09:30 General Assembly: Reports & statutory changes 10:30 Workshop I: Activity formats Lunchbreak 14:00 Workshop II: Current projects – opporunities for getting involved 15:30 Workshop III: Network development – results of the survey 17:00 Workshop IV: Partnerships 18:00 General Assembly: Board elections 11 April 10:00 Joint planning meeting: Towards the next General Assembly on 14 May 2011 13:00 end of the meeting 

Organisational Information

  • If you would like to attend the meeting or if you have any question, please email us!
  • We are not able to provide any financial support to you nor is there any fee or something alike to be paid.
  • The reports to be presented during the meeting and input for the workshops will be available here soon.