The seventh edition of My Europe Short Film Festival was invited by Club Albach Belgrade and Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade to visit the Serbian capital city. On 24th and 25th June the screening of “Politics&Policies” and “Living in Europe”, the two sections of the Festival, and debates filled in both evenings. Around hundred visitors attended the event in premises of the Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade. They had the opportunity to get in touch with Europe, seen by the eyes of young filmmakers and, at the same time, to share their views and to discuss about the present and the future of Europe with prominent foreign and domestic guest speakers.

After the screening of “Living in Europe”, the audience discussed intensively with Ms. Milana Sredojevic, president of Club Alpbach Belgrade, Mr. Tobias Kunow, chairman of Citizens of Europe e.V. and Mr. Milos Eric, teaching assistant at the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration, Singidunum University, Belgrade.
On the second evening, within “Politics&Policies” section, films “Christiano´s shirt”, “The Last bus”, “Nazi Goreng”, “Seven years of winter” and “Two Men and a Table” were screened. They made a great introduction for the following panel discussion with H.E. Dr. Johannes Eigner, Austrian Ambassador to Serbia, Ms. Aleksandra Joksimovic, president of the Center for Foreign Policy Belgrade and Mr. Bernd Kleinheyer, expert at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering/Innovation Center, University of Belgrade.
This visit means the first step of My Europe Film Festival in the Balkans, a region with an interesting cultural richness. We hope to have further chances to travel to the area and to get inspire by its charming artistic environment!