Europe decided: “Bingo” by Timur Ismailov and “I’m gay” by Nicolas Kolovos are the audience award winners 2009. 500 people all over Europe voted on their favourite films in our two programmes “Living in Europe” and “Politics and Policies”. During the Spring Citizens Weekend the two winners were announced during an award ceremony in the Berlin filmbar “Filmrisz”.
“Bingo” by Timur Ismailov shows the fate of three foreigner workers at a Dutch demolition site. They have no contract, no social security and when an accident happens, the main protagonist of the film has to make a decision.
In “I’m gay” Alex has decided to reveal his big secret. He is homosexual and now he sits in front of his family.

Life in the outer spheres of society was the big topic of My Europe 09. It is the life of mobile people who are faced with their otherness in the society of the country they live in. As with last year’s programme, the situation of refugees and people who have come in search of better life in another country is a predominant subject. The filmmakers tell personal stories which also reflect that Europe, 20 years after the 1989 revolution, is becoming a more and more multicultural society. The vitas of our too winning directors, Nicolas Kolovas, born in Sweden with Greek origin and Timur Ismailov, born in Azerbijan, who grew up in Turkey and is now living and working in The Netherlands, show that too.
The My Europe films were shown in 18 screening locations in 12 countries.