Take Part / Bring Change: Participatory Urban Practices and Democracy in Europe is a youth exchange program that explores modern ways of civic engagement in European cities with a particular focus on tools of community action. The program focuses on the grassroots activism in the urban context that responds to the global political challenges as well as to the local practical concerns. The grassroots under scrutiny employ various methods to participate in the decision-making processes in the cities such as art, education, inclusive planning and placemaking but all of them are united by one common idea of the possibility to change the environment by small-scale efforts. Thus, Take Part / Bring Change proposes the participants to look at the successful cases of bottom-up urban initiatives during the study visits in Berlin, Frankfurt (Oder), Kyiv, and Chervonograd, and apply acquired skills and knowledge in the work with local communities, creation of short videos, and organization of public screenings.

The program consists of two group encounters:
15-23 June Berlin – Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, and
21-28 July Kyiv – Chervonograd, Ukraine.
Call for Applications: Take Part / Bring Change: Participatory Urban Practices and Democracy in Europe
Profile of the Participants: We are looking for young people from Germany and Ukraine (18-25 y.o) who have interests in urban studies, civic activism, community development, film and video production proven by experience in the sphere, field of study and/or strong motivation to get acquainted with the topic and apply knowledge in the future. Importantly, the participants are expected to have a good knowledge of English, a pro-active position and be ready to take part in BOTH encounters.
Cost and Conditions: Food, accommodation, transportation in the cities and between the cities during the project, and visa costs are fully covered. The cost of the tickets to the venues of the project (Ukraine-Berlin-Ukraine or Germany-Kyiv-Germany) will be reimbursed for foreign participants at the end of the project in the amount that does not exceed 275 Euro per round ticket per one trip.
To apply to the project please fill in the form goo.gl/ZUuaP8 June, 1, 23:59 the latest. In case of any questions, please, contact Valentyna Zalevska valentyna.zalevska@citizens-of-europe.eu.The project is realized by NGO “Cultural Geographies” (Kyiv, Ukraine) and Citizens of Europe e.V. (Berlin, Germany). The project is implemented within “MEET UP! German-Ukrainian Youth Encounters” program with the support of the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” (EVZ) and Jugend für Europa – German National Agency of Erasmus+ Youth in Action.