Citizens warmly invite you to join us for a documentary and discussion evening next Wednesday, 27th November at 20h.
To get the conversation started, we will watch a documentary about the 20s in Berlin and get a insight into the underground scene where sexual freedom and female emancipation were flourishing.

The topic of the evening is Modernism v.s Conservatism. We want to challenge the idea that society progresses in a linear way, consistently improving on itself. In todays Europe, with widespread financial crisis, political upheaval and austerity, conservatism is also rising. Examples of which can be seen by the resurgence of right wing political parties to the implementation of homophobic laws in certain countries. Progressive changes can never be taken for granted and in times like this it is more important than ever to protect them.
It is also a great opportunity to find out more about our organisation and the work we are doing as we will also provide information how to become a member and the projects we are currently developing.
The event will be held in Citizens of Europe offices, Kiefholzstr. 2, 4th floor. Contact Mattias or Avril for queries, questions or directions.