ACTIVating Youth!

What brings together 20 active citizens from 6 different countries? Citizens of Europe e.V. together with 5 partners from Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia organized a training course for trainers that work closely with young people on how to use non-formal education to address issues related to European active citizenship and to develop creativity in order to empower their civic participation. This Training for Trainers in Non-Formal Learning for Civic Participation is a follow up of the project management training that took place in Belgrade in May/June 2007. 

 “Better to be citizen of the world than citizen of your neighborhood” – Definitely it is not easy to completely agree or disagree from this statement. But what if you had to choose one of the sides? Discussion would definitely be as intense as it was here… 

 Building a fair society is not as easy as one might think. Besides values and good will, it also requires information, communication, good conflict management skills… and a lot of patience! That is what the participants concluded after playing the simulation game Plan B.