OpenForum 3 in Wrzesnia

What do we understand by populism and intolerance? How can we promote active citizenship as a safeguard against them? During a weekend in April, 28 participants from Poland, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Bulgaria sat around the same table to discuss these questions and exchange their personal experience. Our partner in Poland, Wielkopolskie Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich Białężyce, provided a good local example of how activism against intolerance (in this case towards disabled persons) can yield fruitful results. Both substantial architectural and mental barriers have been removed in the past years, a reason why Wrzesnia was named Polish Barrier Free City in 2006. The Openforum Wrzesnia, in comparison with previous fora, hosted the most heterogeneous group of participants with a wide range of age and background. Organizing the forum in a small town also proved to be a new experience for us. After the first two fora in Berlin and Vilnius, with Wrzesnia we have now concluded our programme cycle on the topic of civic engagement.