It’s 6 months after the training course ‘Art as Civic Action’ was implemented in Berlin and the project as a whole is winding down. In the Citizen’s office we’re taking a look back over how the project was shared in the media and promoted on a national level, as well as reflecting on the participants’ feedback. By doing so, we develop as an organisation and as project coordinators.
Some impressions from the participants of ‘Art as Civic Action’:

“Gentrification was discussed with local people! We were really satisfied since we worked on such a small time frame. Great seeing all the strong political messages on the street- our idea felt relevant.“
“As a coordinator of the educational program for students “StudentLab” in my home institution PinchukArtCentre, I have included materials on activist art in the reading list. We had few seminars on Trevor Paglen and other artists who are addressing global social issues in their works.“
“My experience from Berlin have a certain impact on my art works. It was a kind of demonstration that to speak about problems of our surrounding (in my case is institution of school) it is not about being frustrated and to show to others this, but it can change things. It can make the leaders to put some questions about the way they lead and to give a example to others to have courage.“

“The main impact of Art as Civic Action for me was the reiteration that public space belongs to people. It is a community and can and should shape it and not just state authorities, corporations, shops and advertisements. So I numerously explained it to our colleagues that it is equally important what we do outside a museum as it is what we do within a museum.“
Other sources of project dissemination:
The project’s exhibition at the Agora collective was documented by the blogger Arthur Yatsenko at: http://www.travels-in-germany.com/2014/10/berlin-events-exhibition-art-a…
We’re featured on the ‘Musical Express’ program on on National Radio Moldova: http://trm.md/en/actualitati/
Great seeing all the strong political messages on the street- our idea felt relevant
Feature 1: 10.10.14 – an interview with Mattias Petterson, one of the project coordinators about the project’s aims, objectives, expectations and sponsors
Feature 2: 13.10.14 – a live interview from Berlin about the project as a work in progress, and final exhibiton
Feature 3: 17.10.14 – an interview with Valeria Barbas about the project’s results, about the working group for the video art piece Atitlo, and about her personal sound approach.

The the video Atitlo was presented at the exhibition CityScape,KunsTraume /Alternative art spaces in Moldova project, financed by Goethe Institute: https://artploshadka.wordpress.com/2015/03/19/expozitia-cityscape-la-tip…
One participant of the project, Valeria Barbas, speaks more about the exhibition here: http://alttv.md/emisiune/monden-cu-victoria-cusnir/artisti-oriunde-si-or…
We’re working on taking the project concept to the next stage in the near future, so keep an eye on the website and our Facebook page for updates.