Berlin is definitely an attractive city. Its atmosphere of place „to become“ offers possibilities for every kind of innovation, from architecture to administrative strategies in order to find a balanced and sustainable new development. The cityscape reflects an alive and complex mix of factors and it becomes an important part of citizens´collective identity, that coexists with a parallel strong sense of belonging to a specific “Kietz”/neighborhood. But how could citizens actively contribute to a continuous (re-)shaping process of their surrounding environment? And do advertisement campaigns have a concrete impact on citizens´daily habits?Driven by curiosity about the current dynamic and heterogeneus Berlin’s character, Citizens of Europe starts a local project coordinated by our Italian volunteer Francesca La Vigna. The aim of “Shaping CITYzenship” is to explore on different scales and through different methods the existing relations mainly among three important elements within the urban context: people, spaces and (mental) images. For further information visit the ArtIntervention page.