The “CHOOSE*2” pedagogical outcomes is one of the results of the Grundtvig Learning Partnership Project “Choose*2: Choose your learning, choose your life” promoted by 4 organisations:

• Work in Progress (Italy),
• PameAmbro (Italy),
• Citizens of Europe e V. (Germany) ,
• Rökstólar Samvinnumiđstöđ (Iceland)
The focus of our work within this 2-year project was on the educational approach SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING (which has been around for a while, although under different names). Not surprisingly, you will find pedagogical outcomes in our booklet, but we also believe that this material will be a source of inspiration for YOU – adult educators – to pause for a bit in the haste of your everyday practice and maybe ponder over changes you would like to see within your working context. We strongly believe that facilitators of learning (in whatever context) are and will be learners too, and would like to offer this booklet as a potential source of learning and debate. Our outcomes are not static, some of them might change as the time passes by and we get to reflect and look at them again. And we think it’s OK like this. This is also one of the reasons why we encourage you to get in touch and let us hear your doubts, thoughts, and discoveries as you practice, implement and encounter this exciting methodology called Self-Directed Learning (SDL).
We really hope you´ll enjoy the reading and will even find some interesting and useful inputs!
Giulia Mastropirro
Work in Progress
Coordinating organisation