The aims of the project are:

· to improve the knowledge about and the understanding of the current situation in Ukraine within the European Movement
· to create and intensify relations between the European Movement and Ukrainian NGOs and to improve perspectives for enhanced future cooperation
· to improve conditions for a European Movement Ukraine to be established and developed.
The programme includes four thematic parts to be addressed in morning sessions:
· Kyiv and the recent Ukrainian past (Euro-Maidan and revolution)
· The current political situation of Ukraine
· The role of civil society and public diplomacy
· Shaping a European future of Ukraine
In the afternoons, we will arrange optional visits to various organisations and institutions in Kyiv. In addition, we plan visits to the Ukrainian parliament, the government of the City of Kyiv and the German embassy.
A variety of Ukrainian initiatives and organisations welcome us and contribute to this project.

Michael Gahler MEP, vice president of the European Movement Germany, will be part of the delegation. In addition we expect respresentatives of other national European movements in other countries and of the European Movement international. We will invite also people from Ukrainian NGOs from other cities than Kyiv. We expect intense media coverage.
The project will be implemeneted by the association Citizens of Europe, which is member of the European Movement Germany (EBD). It receives financial support by the German Federal Foreign Office. The project coordinator is Frank Burgdörfer, board member of EBD. (; mobile +49 171 4359334; office +49 30 4431 7881)
Conditions for participation
We invite representatives of NGOs and initiatives, who are interested in cooperation with Ukrainian partners.
Working language will be English.
The core group will fly on Saturday, 29 October at 11:15 from Berlin Tegel and return there on Thursday, 3 November at 10:40. Other arrangements are certainly possible and need to be communicated to the organisers. You should in any case arrive and depart on the days mentioned.
The participants will be lodged in a Hotel in Central Kyiv. Room and board as well as all other cost emerging in Kyiv will be taken care off.
Each participant (respectively the organisation represented) has to contribute 60 Euro to the general budget plus 1/3 of the personal travel cost.
Please send your application by 12 September to
It should include:
· personal data
(name, first name, place and date of birth, email-address, mobile number)
· responsibility in the organisation represented
· a short description of yourself and of your motivation to participate in English language (approximately 750 characters)

· organisation to be represented (Name, address, website)
· a short description of the organisation in English language (approx. 1000 characters).
· a digital passport picture
· a file of the logo of your organsiation
We will confirm your participation by 15 September and expect you to transfer your participation fee and your share of the travel cost to our bank account within one week.
In the beginning of October there will be a meeting of participants in Berlin. Your participation is certainly not required, participants who cannot be there will receive all information by other means.
Please, find attached a call in German“Kyiv 2016”