Eight Films of the Festival “My Europe” land in Milan

Casa per la Pace Milano was transformed into a truly European cinema Last Wednesday 27th February. A very diverse audience of different age and nationality gathered at the office of the organization in order to enjoy the short film festival “My Europe”. In spite of the pouring rain of the night, the guests did not want to miss the chance to attend the event.

It was the second time that Casa per la Pace took part in the Festival as a partner. For this year Milan choose to screen the eight films of the program “Politics and Policies”. It was very well received and during the break some intense discussions arose. People debated about the meaning about the films and European politics. Taking into consideration the good critics of the audience, Casa per la Pace have decided to continue using the films for other activities.

The organization will use the films “Invisible” and “Early Rising France” for a project about migration based on the technique of the Theatre of the Opressed. Almudena González, worker at Casa per la Pace Milano, says: “The film “Early Rising France” connects the problem of migration with artistic expression and it could be a nice starting point for our own work. Art is a way to open the door to an imaginary world. “Invisible” shows very well a main problem on migration: Europeans ignore immigrants, they don’t look at them. As soon as immigrants become visible, we will be challenged to change something”. She also recognized that a film is a tool with a great power, since the cinematographic language is “universal”. Almudena also stresses that “Milan is looking forward to the second screening of the MyEurope Film Festival”, which will take place in soon.