European Wednesday: Germany

Germany has a new federal government! Last week, Chancellor Scholz and his new Ministers were sworn in. For the first time, 3 parties are governing together in Berlin: Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals.Which impact will the new government have on the political situation in Europe? Will Germany’s position shift in fiscal, security or strategic questions? Is a more pro-active policy to be expected in regard to the EU? Which hopes and fears exist in European capitals and in Brussels?

These issues we want to discuss with experts from other EU countries and YOU!

We are happy to welcome as special guests:

  • Tiziana Boari, TV-Journalist, Rome
  • Zuzana Lizcová, Head of the Department of German and Austrian Studies at Charles University, Prague

“European Wednesday” is an interactive online format of the NGO Citizens of Europe: Europeans from all over the continent discuss topics of common concern.