Dance, music, theater, festivities, festivals and customs. UNESCOS lists more than 500 different forms of intangible heritage. Since 2006 The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural ensures in meanwhile 178 countries the protection and further existence of these human achievements. During this event of the PUNCH-network, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the Festivity of UNESCO intanbigle heritage “Las Fallas”, and “Virgin of the Salut” from two invited experts and to exchange the good practices collected at national level.
What: International meeting hosted by out partner Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta (Spain)
When: 16th and 17th of March (12.15 pm to 14.15 pm and 12.15 pm to 14.30 pm)
Where: Online via Zoom
How: Please fill out our Registration Form (refer to Citizens of Europe as partner organisation)
More about PUNCH: PUNCH (Participation of Uderrepresented citizens for the valorization of the Cultural Heritage) is a network of 16 partners (local administrations and civil society organisation) from 13 countries. Its main aim is to give underrepresented groups the opportunity to intervene in the debate of the EU policies about the valorization of the Cultural Heritage.
16th March
- 12.15 pm the PUNCH project Welcome speech – Mr.Marcin Barczykowski, Mayor of Dabrowa (PL) and Evangelista Leuzzi, project Manager
- 12.25 pm Welcome from MANRA – Gema March and Víctor Rey
- 12.30 pm Gil-Manuel Hernández i Martí. PhD. Member of the association of Fallers Studies. Specialiste of the committee in the UNESCO candidature of Fallas (2016). Director of the Fallas Museum (València)
- 13.00 pm Julio Blasco. Director of the Museum de la Festa (Algemesí). Co-author of the dossier for the Mare de Déu UNESCO candidature. Archaeologist and museologist
- 13.30 pm Víctor Rey. Digitalisation department (MANRA).
- 13.45 pm Q&A
- 14.00 pm Conclusions and end of the first session.
17 March
- 12.15 pm Welcome of participants – Mr. Evangelista Leuzzi, project coordinator
- 12.30 pm “EU Intangible Heritage for the inclusion of disadvantaged citizens” – exchange of good practices – all the partners
- 14:00 pm Q&A
- 14:15 pm Conclusions, feedbacks and end of the meeting.
For further information please contact
Picture: Epic Fireworks, (CC BY 2.0)