What to do after the high school is an important concern, but it can also turn into an easier and conscious decision whether people have the chance to taste how a part of their future could be built. It is not all about finding a job or any other kind of working experience, your personal growth is doubtless included in the „game“. Being aware of it, Lilia Tamamdzhieva decided to organize on the 4th of June an orienteering session at the Løgumkloster Højskole (Denmark). Together with her schoolmates she discussed about volunteering, European policies and Citizens of Europe. Lilia took part at the last Citizens Weekend (9-11 of April 2010), where besides having got to know people, activities and projects once back home she got inspired. During the session she gave an overview of the organization itself, focusing on some of the catchiest highlights for youngsters: the ComicYouth Exchange and the European Voluntary Service.

It has been a nice and usefull initiative, during which while exploring the other opportunities offered by the European Youth Commission many people showed their interest towards NGOs, student associations like ESN and AEGEE (Lilia herself is member of AEGEE-Sofia) and Citizens of Europe in the first place. „Homo faber fortunae suae“ but other people´s support and places where to develop ideas are always needed. These are the fundamental pillars of Citizens of Europe´s mission, and that is why all its members gladly thank Lilia and her voluntary commitment!