Once on our childhood, or maybe more times, all of us have dreamed about being a super comics-hero or pretented to be Superman, Batman instead of Wonder Woman. We grew up with such special and strong “super-friends“ and some of us remained faithful to them and to new ones. But comics are more than fun or imaginary characters, they can tell also real, deep and sad stories that sometimes help in understanding better our backgrounds as well as cultures and national roots. This is what a group of 30 youngsters coming from several Europen countries has experienced and learnt in Berlin during the “ComicYouth! Exchange“ (9.-16. October).
The most important aspect of this intense and funny “trip“ has been the sharing of ideas, emotions, experiences and knowledge. Thanks also to external and expert helps, it could have been possible to discover intersting sides of Berlin related to the comics´world. Besides its never-ending changes and past memories, symbolized in this historical time by the “East Side Gallery“, you can find in Berlin the interesting and cosy “Bei Renate“ Comicbibliothek and the Galerie “Neurotitan“…but for sure more and more. Just keep your eyes open and be ready to be surprised…by your comic side! For more information visit the project website. The following text, written during the exchange, describes the positive energy and the work experienced by the participants..

“It’s early in the cold morning and 31 people drag to the big, warm room somewhere in Berlin…We are wearing jackets, scarves and boots, with our teas and coffees. Different faces, multicultural backgrounds, diverse lives and languages: Romania, Poland, Greece, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Slovakia! We have gathered to work together and try to create our own comic book! Just like that! Out of nothing! So among hundreds comic books, the warm atmosphere and perfect organization that Chryssa and Anne arranged for us and the experienced “eye” of Auge, we took off… Colours, papers, ideas, memories, laughters, thoughts, discussions, pictures, personal statements, figures and shadows were born! Three days later, many coffees and after some magic spells… “taramama” … the lines and inks came to life et voila! Our own comic book! And you know something? It was fun! And you know why? Because we saw that 31 people with totally different past, point of view, language and probably future made it! We shared working spaces, rooms, clothes, feelings and strips from our favorite commix and… we BROKE the borders! Great comic heroes-animals, aliens, spies, punk barbies will wake up every night, escape from the pages of this book and fly away to spread some of our energy! But anyway… Just Have Fun and Smile!!“ Text: S.O.K.