V11 Preparatory Meeting in Landau

Our new project “Volunteering 2011” started with a visit to Landau of active members of Citizens of Europe and representatives of our European partner organizations to discuss the shape and content of the project to come. We had a brainstorming session where we came up with the main idea that shaped the future project. We met our local partners and discussed their role and involvement and visited the main venues of the future convention.

Our basic aim was to involve as many people in Landau as possible so as to create a connection between the city and the many European guests that would come to Landau. We left the town with a very good feeling: The City of Landau, the local University and European Union were strongly committed, contributed their own ideas and were obviously looking forward to working with us. After this visit, the mayor of Landau decided to organize the annual “Tag der Vereine” (Day of Associations) on the weekend that our event would take place in Landau. This meant that not only a few people but almost all the people active in various volunteering groups would present their work, together with their European guests. In this way there would be a programme consisting of half the local – and half European contributions.V11 – Volunteering 2011Landau Citizens Convention