Citizens of Europe e.V. in co-operation with Fair Trade Hellas and Youth of Kessariani from Greece and Dacidava and Asyris from Romania are arranging the workshop Vote for Europe. We cordially invite you with a residence in Romania, Greece or Germany to take part in this exciting week. It will take place in Berlin from May 5th until 11th May, 2014.

The turnout in the European elections decreases continuously. A lot of people have lost faith in the European institutions or are they just do not care . Although the rights and powers of the European Parliament have been greatly expanded, most citizens consider it as a meaningless instrument. In the 2014 European elections the danger is that this is mainly occupied by Euro -critical and extreme right wing parties.
The workshop “Vote for Europe! “wants to change the view of voting as meaningless. 24 participants will meet in Berlin to discuss about their influence in Europe , the importance of the European Parliament and the European elections. The results will be filmed in a creative, happy and humorous way. These videos are intended to shake up other Europeans , make them think , encourage participation and get people to join the political discussions. Are you interested in the topic and want to create something that will get people to be aware of their rights? Apply for this interesting workshop.
Send in your application to latest on April 21th. We are looking forward to your participation!