The Potuguese meeting of the “YES! Project” took place in Fundao with workshops, visits, guided tours for more than 60 participants coming from all over Europe. The meeting took place from 10th to 13th Oct 2022.
About the Project
“Yes! – Youth for European Solidarity” is a 2 years project funded by “Europe For Citizens“, the programme designed by the European Commision for funding projects whose main purpose is helping citizens undestand the EU’S history, values and diversity, as well as engaging them in democracy at a EU level.
The “YES! Project” was coordinated by Comune di Miggiano in Apulia and Citizens of Europe Association was one of the associated partner.
About the Meeting
On October 2022, the 5° event of our YES! Project took place in Fundao (Portugal). From 10th October to 13th October 2022 more than 60 citizens where involved to the meeting and they were fostered to discuss about different topics.
The partecipants basically come from all over Europe: Italy, Greece, Portugal, UK, Kosovo, Poland, Serbia, Lithuania and France; for this reason the meeting was pretty interesting because different point of views had the opportunity to discuss and compare their opinions and ideas.
The main topics dealt with focused not just on refugees and migrants integration, but also on the learning and skills developments within the field of social innovation, to enhance the competence of digital learning from children and youngsters local citizens, with the goal to inspire the young people and encourage their active participation through the creation of common learning spaces.

About the Visits
Special visits were organized to discover some of the good practices in the municipality of Fundao, so the partecipants had the opportunity to visit the migrants center, the Fab Lab in Fundão (a space where common citizens can meet and develop their projects) and the “coding” school.
Infact, one of the main purpose of this kind of project, it’s not just to discuss about some topics but also to stay in touch with them, for example by visiting significant places where partecipants can see personally the situation – developing their personal experience about the topic.