Citziens of Europe is together with partners from Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Greece, Germany, Italy and Poland partner in this initiative coordinated by YEU Cyprus and funded by Europe for Citizens.

#GetUpStandup aims to raise awareness on remembrance, common history and human rights principles of the EU. Through remembering the historical facts of the German student movement, Prague spring, French May 1968, the Italian Movement of 1968 and the anti-dictatorship movements in Spain and Greece, we will examine the differences between the civil movements and political rights from 1968 until today!
During the first phase of the project, each organisation will organise a public intervention, with the aim to engage bystanders into discussions on previous and current civil rights movements and the distribution of human rights.
On the second phase, two organisations of each country will organise a public debate, concerning the distribution of human rights on a local level, comparing the previously mentioned historical moments with current ones and the ways in which citizens advocate for those rights. The debates will include representatives from various fields including the youth, civil and governmental sector.

The third phase of the project will be structured dialogue conferences, one in each country. The aim will be to come up with effective tools to maximise civil engagement in advocacy and a more active democratic participation. The outcomes and recommendations of this conference will be compiled into policy papers which will be distributed to the appropriate institutions of each country.

The last phase of the project, the international training courses, will be completed in Cyprus, Italy and the Czech Republic. Each training will examine the theory and practice of human rights advocacy in the EU, focusing on the previously mentioned time periods and today. Each training will focus on their field of expertise e.g. in Cyprus the course would be focused on Human Rights in conflict zones.
Everyone interested is welcome to join our events, to help with content and logistics or to simply participate in the events.
Next occasion to join is our film screening and public debate on March 23, 7 pm in our office Kiefholzstraße 2, 12435 Berlin.
Interested? Then contact for more information.