On December, the “Yes Network” met in Sweden, hosted by Ungdomsfronten, to step another goal of Yes Project about civic engagement and solidarity.
About the Yes! Project
“Yes! – Youth for European Solidarity” is a 2 years project funded by “Europe For Citizens“, the programme designed by the European Commision for funding projects whose main purpose is helping citizens undestand the EU’S history, values and diversity, as well as engaging them in democracy at a EU level.
The “YES! Project” was coordinated by Comune di Miggiano in Apulia and Citizens of Europe Association was one of the associated partner.
About the meeting
The YES network met from 4th to 6th December in Södertälje, Sweden – hosted by the Swedish youth association Ungdomsfronten– to discuss about different topics such as solidarity and civic engagement.
This is the reason why 39 local people were involved to take part to the meeting and to work on different ideas with young European partecipants.
All participants were to be addressed and motivated to develop ideas and solutions on Global, Economic, Digital, European and Ecological Citizenship.

The main aim
The aim was to produce an action paper “5 Citizens hips, 1 Solidarity” and a toolkit for youth work.
The results of a survey on the democratic participation of young Europeans in the participating countries and municipalities were also presented.
In addition to the 12 international participants, 39 participants from Sweden were also involved. The meeting ended with a short stay in Stockholm, that has dressed up for Nobel Week with numerous installations and exhibitions.