Facilitators Are Coming Together

From the 10th to the 18th of September – Training Course Berlin

It’s with great pleasure that after the Pandemic we’re organizing our first seminar in Berlin.

In a few days more than twenty people coming from 8 different countries (Germany, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Romania and Croatia) will gather together for a 9 days conference. This Training course is part of a bigger project which has two main activities, this one we’re hosting in Berlin with the aim of providing skills to the participants to act as Facilitators and a second activity, another training course, in Beja, Portugal, from 16 to 22 November 2021. The participants should be the same for both activities because after the training there will be some dissemination activities with their local communities and contents will be linked, and in Portugal they will be discussing the outcomes of their activities to grow as facilitators and to develop the facilitations skills of their organizations. 

The purpose behind the project

A good facilitator can make a difference in any facilitation activity and in this TC we want to give to our participants a space to reflect on their role and competencies and provide them with the necessary tools and methods for their professional development. The role of any facilitator is basically connected with learning, communication, intercultural issues, feedback, and workshop design skills. The aim of FACT is to investigate the role of facilitators and the complexity of facing and approaching the different styles for different learners.

When: From the 10th to the 18th of September – Training Course Berlin

Who: 20+participants from 8 European countries, facilitators coming from Portugal and Italy

What: a TC regarding facilitation skills 

Why: to make sure that individuals and their sending organizations develop and improve their facilitation skills 

How: training with be delivered through non-formal education, such as team building games, simulation games, experiential activities, good practices sharing, visits, reflex groups, intercultural evenings and creative workshops

Timeline of the project

August 2021 – Preparation of the project – Coordinator, partners and participants

10 to 18 of September 2021 – Training Course in Berlin (Germany)

September to November 2021 – Local events organized by each Participants with support of Partners

16 to 22 of November 2021 – Training Course in Beja (Portugal)

November to December 2021 – Dissemination activities organized by each Participants with support of Partners

For participation please register under: 


For questions of any kind please contact: 


You can find all the information in the infopacks you can find here: